Embracing downtime with “new essentials”

By Dr. Pam

Amidst this crisis, we’re still open for work and rethinking our gotta-haves, need-it-nows, and can’t-work-at-home-withouts. Our community in-person activities have come to a temporary halt, but we’re doing all we can do to re-skill quickly and stay relevant in addressing the current felt needs of our patients, participants and partners.

Yes, like many of you, we are RIBHO are gaining some experience working at home. This new culture work shock is still somewhat of a zing-zing, but we must admit, it has made lots of new learning room for us. Embracing it all is our winning response!

Until March 17th, we made an approximated total of 1248 trips on foot delivering food, and providing medical and pastoral care to our neighbors in food insecure low income households.

Now at home, we are taking full advantage of this time to advance our digital technology skills. We also have a whole new appreciation of cell phone use beyond social connection. We are using cellphones for work. How about that! Yes, it’s not a new concept, but it’s certainly a new strategy for us.

Emma (in the above picture), one of our Lead Volunteers has successfully accessed, submitted and received funds to support our first time ever community wide Call-Line. We are using the cellphones of our volunteers to look-in on our clients, participants, partners and supporting some local churches to stay connected with their congregants who still need pastoral care. “Cell-phone Pastoral Care”, works just well for the talk, talk, talk social culture that we are.

We are keeping the “LoveAlive”, and so grateful to our sponsors for supporting us to expand our work. We are taking on new territory, and it’s an incredibly awesome opportunity.

Aren’t you glad someone out there is seeking ways to shine a little love into another’s life today! You get to be that special someone too – holding the Flood Light of Hope in these shadowy days!

We know you want in on this. You are already special. We just get to shout it out loud one more time.


Ahhh, you did it! Welcome, welcome, welcome in! We are glad you brought your mask with you! Bless you!